MAGIX, Berlin 2001 - 2008 (My first Job)
At age 15 I had my first Interview with MAGIX, shortly after starting my internship and apprenticeship followed by four more years employed as a Designer. Here's a handful of hundreds of packaging designs I was involved with. Besides packaging design, we also created the screendesign for each software, websites, advertising campaigns and many many other formats. It was a great time, and I learned so much from Kolja (R.I.P.) and the rest of our team.
Since 1993 the name MAGIX has stood for user-friendly multimedia software. Our product range includes seamlessly integrated online mobile and cloud services as well as digital content.
We place value on outstanding price-performance ratios in order to offer perfect solutions for the creation, design, presentation and archiving of digital photos, graphics, websites, video and music. That goes for both beginners and professional users.