undergoes a seasonal transformation for some special offers to our fellow irish customers .. for "Cycling World Magazine"
Just sent out a half page advert for which will be published in the April issues of "Cycling World Magazine" (UK) and "Cycling World Ireland".
The facebook page has got it's own shop too with the entire range available to purchase directly from facebook (after battling with technical difficulties for the CTA button to finally appear) and just like our website-slides, it keeps getting fresh new seasonal cover photos.
Time to unload the pallets now...
In the making ...
BalanceBikes is getting a complete make-over. My dad's online business which I've been getting more and more involved with in 2014 will be relaunching with a big bang this spring. The branding I have in mind so far is something along these lines: Campagnolo meets Pan-Am meets "eco-friendly / sustainability" with a modern twist ...